Calculate the number of host gains, host losses, and the effective rate of host repertoire evolution.
- history
A data frame containing the character history produced by RevBayes and read by
.- tree
A phylogenetic tree of the symbiont clade
: Get the average number of events along the symbiont tree and the highest posterior density interval with 95% probability (HPD95), based on all MCMC iterations inhistory
: Get the effective rate of evolution, i.e. number of events per branch unit, along each tree branch. Mean and HP95 are outputted.count_gl()
: Get the average number of host gains and host lossesrate_gl()
: Get the average effective rate of host gain and host loss
# read data that comes with the package
data_path <- system.file("extdata", package = "evolnets")
tree <- read_tree_from_revbayes(paste0(data_path,"/tree_pieridae.tre"))
history <- read_history(paste0(data_path,"/history_thin_pieridae.txt"), burnin = 0)
# all events
n_events <- count_events(history)
rate <- effective_rate(history,tree)
# gains and losses separately
gl_events <- count_gl(history)
gl_rates <- rate_gl(history, tree)